Individual Therapy

You feel overwhelmed and don’t understand why.

So much in your life is going well. But sorrow, fear, and constant worry cast a shadow over your daily activities.

Sometimes you cry and feel angry, hurt, and alone, and it feels like no one gets it.

It isn’t easy to connect with your partner or find a partner. It doesn’t feel safe to tell them how you feel. So you play out the same patterns repeatedly. It feels so unfulfilling.

It feels like no one can understand your hurt, anger, pain. It makes you feel broken.

You worry people will find out that you are not good enough.

Sometimes you feel your heart rate increase, panic seize your chest, and like there is no escaping these feelings, you feel stuck.

What if that can change?

Experiencing trauma often affects how we see ourselves and leaves us with negative beliefs about ourselves. It often affects our relationships and leaves us feeling alone and unable to connect with others at a deep level. This can be so painful. Therapy can help us resolve trauma and allow us to move on.

What if you could let go of the past?

What if you can let go of the negative beliefs about yourself?

You can take control of your life. Therapy can help you break negative thoughts and patterns, and help you learn to step into self-love and healthy habits.

We work on letting go of the past trauma and building new beliefs and patterns to ensure healthy, happy relationships and lives. Some people are going through a difficult transition and just need someone to talk to. I provide space for someone to feel heard and ultimately allow them to access their own wisdom. Whatever you need. I am here for you.

I have worked with people who have nothing, and I have worked with VPs and world managers of Fortune 500 companies. So no matter what you need or where you are, don’t be afraid to reach out.

Doing the work…

Individual therapy sessions are an opportunity for us to meet one-on-one and focus on you and your growth. We can spend this time on many topics, but all of them come back to your growth and success.

I help people who struggle with stress, anxiety, and trauma. I use the body/mind/soul approach. Often, mental health issues manifest in the body. We feel anxiety as tension in our chest and shoulders. We feel our heart rate go up in stressful situations and become unable to think clearly. When our bodies take over, it can be challenging just to process verbally.

Difficult life events, such as stress, difficulty with work, relationships, or childhood traumas, can become “stuck” in our bodies. We may feel stuck in a time that has already passed, even years ago. However, we may replay or relive those feelings of that day every day. Talk therapy is not as effective as body-based techniques to release trauma that lives in our bodies – leaving us disoriented, angry, hurt, lonely, and isolated.

I help people reconnect to their bodies and the wisdom of their bodies. I do this with several techniques, including Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and other mind and body techniques. I also love understanding relationships, attachment, and how we connect with others. I often find that people’s beliefs about themselves and the world affects their ability to connect in relationships. My clients and I often focus on this as well and cultivating mindful connections.

Imagine having an hour of support for someone to focus on you weekly. You don’t have to worry about anyone or anything else. This is time to invest in yourself, your growth, and your success. Imagine how much that will help not only you, but the people around you. I can’t wait to see what we accomplish.

Now is the time.

Let’s work together to set up your goals and a plan for success.

I know that it never seems like there is enough money, time, or energy to invest in yourself. But you deserve healing, a fulfilling life, and peace.

Call now and set up a free 20-minute consultation: (720) 295-6076.