Group Therapy

Connection in the Modern World

Let’s face it. Who has time to do it all? It’s easy to look around and feel like everyone else has it together and lives a charmed life.

Especially with social media being so, well, fake! It’s easy to compare and get caught up in a false sense of competition with a reality that really isn’t real.

Maybe you are a busy professional and have little time. It isn’t easy to have genuine connections, even if we are social. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell even our closest friends what’s really going on.

Wouldn’t it be nice to connect with people who have the same real-life struggles as you and help uplift each other?

A space to gather…

People have naturally gathered in groups to share stories, connect, and feel a sense of community, integration, and purpose for millennia.

Gathering together still sparks something in us that allows us to connect deeply. Individual therapy offers a great way to delve into our own issues, while group therapy can help give us confidence that we are not alone in those issues.

It is powerful to watch how groups take on the energy of all the people and begin to grow into a space for everyone to participate in helping support change.

It’s all about connection…

Group depends on everyone’s participation.

It can be difficult to show up to a group at first and be vulnerable. You can participate at any level that feels comfortable to you, including just listening.

At first, sharing can feel scary. However, people often find it liberating to share, as often there is someone else in the group who feels the same, and it allows others to voice their pain, too. This leads to a particular type of closeness that allows real work to begin and friendships that often outlast the group.

Here are the groups we offer…

A “closed group” allows a limited number of people to meet over a certain number of weeks. As your sense of safety and connection grows, you’ll open yourself up at deeper levels.

Here are our closed groups:

Grief Group

When we lose a loved one, it feels like no one can understand our pain. Some days we are angry or feel like the pain will never stop. And on those days that we feel okay or imagine being normal again, we sometimes feel guilty.

The highs and lows of grief can feel unmanageable. But the group is a way to connect with others who “get it.” It might not fix the pain, but it’s a safe place to express how you feel and explore things that might help.

Trauma Group

Do you isolate yourself? Feel lonely? Do you want to connect to others but don’t know how or don’t feel up to it? Seem impossible that others could understand how you feel?

This group helps normalize the reactions and responses to trauma in our minds and bodies. In this group, we learn all about those responses – as well as coping skills to manage how you feel when you’re stressed and overwhelmed.

Traumas might be discussed if desired, but no one is required or expected to discuss their trauma with the group, as this can be triggering.

This group requires a free 20-minute consultation and is for people who have some experience with therapy or alternative ways of healing.

Women’s Group

Women gathering together to hold space for themselves and each other. This space allows women to connect in a small group to build community and relationships with other women.

We discuss everything, including being a woman in today’s society and issues related to body image, self-confidence, sex, sexual assault, and money.

Attachment Group

This group is a deep dive into the nature of our relationships. Attachment is a blueprint or pattern of how we connect to our partners and often begins in childhood.

This group is great if you are single or coupled to help understand your own attachment and your partner’s. Learn more about you or your partner’s patterns and how to apply this to common themes such as fighting, sex, responsibility, and communication. This group will explore the dynamics associated with common attachment styles – anxious, avoidant, and secure.

We will also explore larger patterns of how attachment styles commonly relate to each other, such as co-dependence, narcissism, the runner/ chaser dynamic, and breaking these cycles for good.

Find Your Tribe

If you want deep connection and crave change, transformation, and healing, don’t wait to join in.

Your tribe is waiting.

Call now to see if this group would be a good fit. A free 20-minute consultation is required to join groups: (720) 295-6076.